The Clear Path for Veterans New England Vision.

At Clear Path for Veterans New England, the staff and the Veterans we serve are a family. Clear Path’s vision is to create a community that understands and supports the journey home for our Veterans and their families and inspires other communities to do the same.

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Your donation helps in so many ways.

Family Force Group

The mission of CP4VNE’s Family Force group is to provide caregivers and families of Service Members and Veterans an opportunity to give back to the veteran communities through fellowship, outreach, charity, and education – while providing the chance to connect with others with shared experiences.

K9 Service Dog Program

Our Dogs2Vets program provides an opportunity for Veterans and their families to participate in dog training whether the activity is to provide skills to the family pet to alleviate stress or towards a fully certified support dog.

Warrior Reset

Reset activities are intended to provide opportunities for all Veterans and their families to participate in activities that build resilience. Activities include the latest in non-medical healing such as yoga, polarity, acupuncture, reiki, and more.

Family Force Group
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Safety4Vets Program

Make a $50 donation or greater to Clear Path For Veterans New England and Safety Insurance Company will reward you with a 5% discount on your Massachusetts Personal Auto Insurance Premium.

Working Warriors Program

Clear Path’s Career Services Program empowers Veterans to enter the workforce by equipping them with the necessary skills and training to ensure their success while achieving their goals. This program provides career services support that is customized to meet each individual’s unique defined needs. Any Veteran who seeks to start a career or desires to continue in their current workplace can stand to benefit from the services offered in this program.

Peer To Peer Mentoring Program

Mentoring provides an opportunity for the many experienced Veterans to share what they know and help guide others on a successful future path. The Clear Path outreach efforts provide opportunities for Veterans to continue to serve through organized recreational activities and family gatherings that support and strengthen the building of strong civic-minded communities.

Your donation is more important now than ever.

Clear Path for Veterans New England (Clear Path NE) is a 501(c)3 established in 2017 with one mission — to build a safe, supportive, and respectful place for Veterans to seek the help and resources they need in order to successfully integrate into their communities. The Family is an integral part of this and the first line of defense in upholding wellness. There has been a growing recognition that we, as a nation, and as individual communities, need to do more to support our Veterans as they leave military service and return to civilian life. Clear Path’s vision is to create a community that understands and supports the journey home for our Veterans and their families and inspires other communities to do the same.

Every dollar counts in supporting the Journey Home. Make a Difference Today.